Alumni Answers

Jun 20, 20212 min

"College is a reward for high school" | A Galgotias Student/MIT Trainee's on College Life

We had the opportunity of interviewing Kumar Divya Mani, an alum from Galgotias University in Greater Noida, India about: College Life

Here are some of his qualifications:

  • a machine learning facilitator at Google until 2019

  • former leader of the robotics club at Galgotias

  • current trainee at the MIT & IDSS Applied Data Science Bootcamp

  • and upcoming affiliate alumni of MIT

This is what he shares with us:

  • "A dream college is indeed a reward for high school."

  • "I wanted to be as intellectually capable as I can, and find the solutions to the problems that intrigued me."

Q: What’s the hardest adjustment you made going into college? (courseload, self-control, finance, etc.)

A: Mental preparedness and perseverance to study in a college that is not your dream college.

Q: Would you agree that college is a reward for high school?

A: A dream college is indeed a reward for high school.

Q: Did you set goals for yourself before going to college?

A: Yes. My objective was to be an engineer whose ideas and actions may resonate beyond exams and classrooms. I wanted to be as intellectually capable as I can, and find the solutions to the problems that intrigued me.

Q: How did you find internship and work opportunities in college?

A: Linkedin.

Q: What are some soft-skills that you think are necessary in college and beyond?

A: Communication skills and a good attitude.

Q: In college or in high school or at any time in your life, did you ever have a mentor or role model that you looked up to?

A: Yes, it is Cristiano Ronaldo. I can't stop admiring this person. He's so hungry for what he loves - scoring goals and being the best player of the game. He works so professionally and with such a passion and vigor. He also impressively balances his personal life. I just want to be like him or even better in my area.

Learn more about Kumar and his experience on his LinkedIn account.

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